Tuesday, June 12, 2007
The 3 Favorite Mistakes Made by African Webmasters

African Webmaster struggle daily in the pursuit of relevance in the Global outsourcing industry. Outlined below are the common problems facing African Webmasters and their possible solutions:

Problem #1 - Finance - Lack of funds to invest in training, equipment is a real challenge for African Webmasters due to a dearth of training resources and lack of money.

Solution: Sourcing Finance will always be a challenge for everyone irrespective of their class, status and chosen profession. You can source used computers from merchants at low rates and make good use of the Internet for upgrading your knowledge of your industry.

Problem #2 - competition - Competition can come from larger business, fellow freelancers, BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) Companies in India, China, Ghana, Kenya etc

Solution: There will always be jobs for a skilled and cheap web designer no matter the increased competition, put in more effort in whatever design jobs that may come your way and let your skills speck for you.

Problem #3 - Lack of sales prospects - Nothing can reduce a person ego than being out of work, the feeling is likened to be fired from secular employment.

Solution: Make Yourself Known by giving free seminars in your local community, create posters and distribute it in your neighbourhood, stores, restaurants, hotels etc. You can also make use of online Job Boards and websites which periodically lists web design jobs suitable for freelancers.

In conclusion, African Webmasters need not dread the trio evils of Lack of Finance, competition And lack of sales prospects. They should rather concentrate their efforts into using the Internet as a tool of accessing readily available free training resources and also as a mechanism of reaching out to the thousands of potential clients out there.

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